About the Management
St. Joseph’s Convent School, Khasa is a catholic school, owned, established and administered by Diocese of Jalandhar. It is a registered religious and charitable society. It is a Christian Minority undertaking. This school is primarily established for Christian minority children; however other children are admitted as per the availability of seats or on merit. This is an English medium School under the ICSE syllabus, New Delhi. Bishop Symphorian Keeprath, the founding father of the school was a great visionary of Punjab, who brought about a great revolution in the field of education and health care in Punjab, to avail convent education even to the neglected and the marginalized section of the society especially the people living in the border areas.
Diocesan Board of Education
St. Joseph’s Convent School, Khasa is guided by Diocesan Board of Education which was established in 2000 by the Diocese of Jalandhar under the patronage guidance of Lt. Rt. Rev. Dr. Symphorian Keeparth, the first Bishop of Jalandhar and through the sustained effort and hard work of its chairman Rev. Fr. Xavier Thazhathuveettil. At present Rev. Dr. Franco Mulakkal is the President of Diocesan Board of Education and the Patron of our school.